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Naturopathically formulated products designed for non-invasive healing of both mind, body and spirit.

Peace Tea contains a floral blend of calming herbs to support sleep and gently reduce anxiety. Comforting lemon balm combined with passionflower and chamomile to support the nervous and digestive systems, creating the perfect pre-slumber elixir for a restful night's sleep.  

How to Brew

• Add 1 tsp (2g) to boiling water
• Steep for 3-5 minutes or as long as you wish for a more therapeutic effect.


• Lemon Balm
• Chamomile
• Passionflower

~ Contains: 40g ~

Therapeutic Properties

• Lemon Balm:
Carminative and mild sedative actions, Lemon balm is a beautiful herb to aid in sleep disturbances, nervousness and indigestion.

• Chamomile:
Anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic, carminative and mild sedative actions. Chamomile has potential to aid in anxiety, restlessness, IBS and aid sleep onset.

• Passionflower:
A favourite herb in the Zen Warrior apothecary! With anxiolytic, spasmolytic, mild sedative and hypnotic actions. Passionflower is a fantastic herb for reducing feelings of anxiety, achieving mild sedation in healthy individuals, reduce insomnia and reduce restlessness and irritability with difficulty in falling asleep.
